Many problems can be transformed into graph theory problems, and then use the basic algorithm of graph theory to solve them. 很多问题都可以转化为图论问题,然后用图论的基本算法加以解决。本资料包含了Floyd、prim、匈牙利算法等算法-Graphalgorithms。
By the classical TSP model in graph theory, an algorithm to optimize the tool-path ofdirection-paralleled machining for complex multi-contoured parts is put forward. 前言:利用图论中经典的“旅行商问题”数学模型,提出了一种对复杂多区域零件行切加工路径进行优化处理的算法。
A spectrum assignment scheme for cognitive radio networks is proposed by means of combining graph theory with immune optimization algorithm. 该文提出了图论和免疫优化理论相结合的认知无线网络频谱分配方法。
The coloring problem of graph theory is combined with an improved ant colony algorithm to plan optimally the overhaul. 在优化的过程中采用了改进的蚁群算法,并结合了图论中的图着色问题。
The paper introduced two kinds of graph theory algorithm which is suitable to select other nodes and estimate relating path in actual system on basis of finding out shortest path of node. 在分析过程中以寻求节点最短路径为基础,介绍了两条图论算法,并且这种算法适用于实际系统中其它节点选取以及关联路径的判断。
Application of Graph Theory to Identification Algorithm of Kinematic Chain in Mechanical System In this paper, the process of mechanical motion studying is explored, theoretically and empirically, in order to discover some general underlying rules. 图论技术在机械系统运动链识别算法中的应用从理论和实践两个方面探讨机械系统运动方案设计的一般规律性。
Based on the most reliable path algorithm in graph theory, it proposes an optimization algorithm to improve the accuracy of trust relationship in the Public Key Infrastructure. 结合图论中的最可靠路径算法,提出了一种PKI信任度模型中优化的可靠路径算法,提高了信任的准确性。
Then by using Tabu algorithm and graph theory, a heuristic algorithm about RWA is proposed. Through modifying the heuristic algorithm, some network characteristics and survivability designment in star-based optical networks under different configuration of links and nodes are researched. 然后,利用禁忌搜索算法和图着色理论,提出了一种解决星形网络中RWA问题的启发式算法,利用该算法研究了星形光网络在链路光纤和节点配置不同时的网络特性和生存性设计。
Associating the cut sets of graph theory and heuristic search algorithm of AI, this paper presents an efficient algorithm for the automatic generation of the assembly sequences. 将装配序列规划中成熟的割集法和人工智能中启发式搜索方法相结合,提出一个高效的装配序列生成算法。
In the last, the paper designs and analyses the Graph Theory algorithm and drives a conclusion that the problem of the arranging of curriculum schedule is NP-hard problem. 在文章的最后我们对课表超图的图论算法进行设计与分析,并得出该问题是一个NP难问题。
In this paper, by using the graph theory, an algorithm for calculating Y parameter matrix from the relative matrix and admittance matrix is put forward, and the special resolving formula is also deduced. 该文提出一种基于图论、由关联矩阵及导纳矩阵直接计算Y参数矩阵的方法,并推导出其具体的求解公式。
The data structure for seperating instruction from data,( 3) Graph theory, depth-first algorithm, and some concepts used in the design and implementation of the tool. 设计与实现中所采用的图论理论,深度优先算法和有关概念。
Some theories of operations research, such as Graph Theory, double sweep algorithm, and Queuing Theory, and their applications in the configuration design of RMS are addressed. 论述了图与网络理论、双向扫视算法、排队论等运筹理论,以及它们在可重构制造系统的组态设计中的应用。
Firstly, this paper describes the shortest route from the view of graph theory discussing the typical algorithm of the static shortest route and the dynamic shortest route with enough information. 在本文中,首先从图论的角度描述了最短路径含义及其分类,讨论了静态最优路径的算法及高度信息化的条件下的动态最短路径算法;
The computer networks topological design is the important components of the computer network engineering. This paper proposes the principle and method of measuring the rationality of network topological based on Graph Theory and demanded by OSPF routing algorithm. 计算机网络拓扑设计是计算机网络工程的重要组成部分,本文在图论中有关算法的基础上,结合OSPF路由算法的要求,提出了测度网络拓扑逻辑合理性的原理和方法。
A Graph Theory Description and Algorithm of Recognition Process of FSA 有限状态自动机识别过程的一个图论描述及算法
Graph Theory Based General Simulation Algorithm for Inverter-fed Induction Motor Drive Systems 基于网络图论的逆变器供电感应电动机调速系统通用仿真算法
Graph Theory Model and Algorithm of Urban Public Transport Network's Optimization 城市公共交通线网优化的图论模型与算法
Recognizing Restricted Handwriting Chinese Characters by Using the Graph Theory Algorithm 利用图论算法识别限制性手写汉字
Guided by the graph theory, an algorithm based on database technique was deve-loped for calculating the radioactivity of daughters of a decay chain and their variation vs time. 应用图论原理,建立了一种基于数据库的多分支递次衰变计算方法,编制了计算机程序,用于计算复杂衰变链中各子体放射性强度随时间的变化。
Based on the analysis, it introduces three models of the dynamic spectrum allocation algorithm. Among them, the algorithm which based on graph coloring theory is the most suitable algorithm for IOT. 由此我们引出动态频谱分配算法的三种主要模型,对其中最适合用于物联网的图论着色模型进行着重介绍。
Then the deep research upon graph theory algorithm improves the quality of relationship services greatly. 接着通过对图论中相关算法的深入研究,并结合实际对象关系网络加以改进,很好地提高了关系服务的服务质量。
Derived from the spectral graph theory, the spectral clustering algorithm, can work on any spatial dataset without considering its type, and can convergence to the global optimal value. 谱聚类算法能在任意形状的样本空间上聚类且收敛于全局最优解的优点。
Introduced the relevant basic theory of graph, two kinds of image segmentation criteria ( cut and Ncut), which based on graph theory, and Solution of normalized cut algorithm ( Ncut). 介绍了图谱的相关基础理论,基于图论的两种图像分割准则(cut与Ncut),归一化割算法(Ncut)的求解。
Network optimization is an important branch of optimization, which is also the cross-discipline of combination of graph theory with optimization theory. It mainly studies the network algorithm with mathematical models searched with graph theory algorithm. 网络优化是最优化理论与方法的一个重要分支,是最优化与图论相结合产生的新的交叉学科,主要研究以网络图作为数学模型,用图论方法进行搜索的寻优方法。
The algorithm is based on graph theory and microhabitat theory in genetic algorithm. 该算法以图论和遗传算法中小生境合并理论为基础。
This method converts the spectrum allocation problem into tinting problem in graph theory then solved it with greedy algorithm. 这个方法是把主频规划问题转化为图论中的着色问题,并用贪婪算法来解决。
By applying Min-cut/ Max-flow of graph theory to the image dodging algorithm, water area and terrestrial area can be processes separately, which effectively avoids the water specular reflection effect. 把图割理论中的最大流最小割思想引入到图像匀光算法中,将水域与陆地区域进行区分处理,有效地避免了因水域的镜面反射作用对整幅图像匀光效果的影响。
We can start from the structure of Net system, by discrete algorithm and graph theory to building the logical algorithm of analyzing the net system. 我们可以从网系统的结构出发,利用图论与离散算法的特性构建分析网系统的算法逻辑。
For example, Algebraic graph theory 、 topological graph theory 、 chemical graph theory 、 random graph 、 graph algorithm. 例如:代数图论、拓扑图论、化学图论、算法图论、随机图论等。